STUDIO 395's 3rd SATURDAY EVENT - Location:
LA REBELDE WINERY - 530 Crane St #G, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
LA REBELDE WINERY - 530 Crane St #G, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
Directions to La Rebelde Winery: Exit 15 fwy @Central Ave, continue west towards to Collier Ave, turn left at light and then right on Crane (2nd street). Destination is on your left about 2 blocks.

The Writer's Studio will be on temporary hiatus for now and will be moving to a different date and time. Check back soon for the details as they become available.

2015 Dia De Los Muertos Festival Lake Elsinore ~ November 1st
We are currently working on the 2015 Dia De Los Muertos Festival. Our plans are coming to fruition and this years November 1st event will be even bigger and better than last year.
We are still accepting vendors for the festival that sell hand made arts and items and preferably theme related. Please contact Rebecca at 951-506-3606 or if you would like to get on the early list as a vendor.
If you would like to help out we need volunteers for the planning/organizing before, during and after the festival. If you have experience with community event planning or have ever had an interest, we will need assistance. Responsibilities will run the gamut and we can find a place for you to fit in for as much or as little involvement as you can manage. Again, please contact Rebecca as noted above.
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