Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Immersive Art Experience Meeting January 21, 2020

Hello Artist and Art Supporters,
RE: STUDIO 395 Live,

 Meeting JANUARY 21, 2020 at 6pm at The Village on Grand.

 First and most important we need to thank you all for the invaluable contributions, donations and encouragement that has been offered throughout 2019.

It was March 6, 2019 when we all met to view Meow Wolf.  Since then we have obtained a 6,000 square foot space at the LE Outlet Mall.  Inside we created a 4,000 sq.ft. immersive artistic experience, with the beginnings of a café and unique gift shop.   The Outlet Mall has agreed to let us use this space through 2020.
The Elf University, our winter show, was our 3rd interactive event;
April 6 Rabbit Queen
August 24 Catrina Ball with interactive afterlife experience
Dec 6 - 24  Elf U our largest immersive experience this year

We are gathering to let everyone know about the upcoming “Galactic Embassy” and would like to hear you thoughts and ideas about uses for this space.
Target dates for opening;
Easter Week – March 15 – 20 celebrate the Super Bloom
Summer Event – June 6 – August Galactic Embassy

Art enhances everything!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fallbrook Art Association ~ CALL FOR ARTISTS

(All entries are welcome - adherence to the theme is optional.)

  • INTAKE: Monday, October 21: 9AM - 4PM
  • SHOW OPEN: Tuesday, Oct. 22
  • GALLERY HOURS :11 AM - 5PM, Tuesday thru Saturday, 12 to 3 PM, Sunday
  • RECEPTION & AWARDS: Saturday, November 2, 4-6 PM
  • END OF SHOW PICK UP: Monday, November 18, 10AM - 2PM


SHOW CHAIR: ANNE YOUNGBLOOD anneygbl@roadrunner.com ;
760-728-7306 or 760-859-4137
SHOW CO-CHAIR : SUSAN FROMMER firstwaterlady@verizon.net;


Sunday, August 11, 2019

Fallbrook Art Association Shows & Events


Honoring Our Heroes and Celebrating America Shows
Here are some important dates for our upcoming shows at The Gallery, “Honoring Our Heroes” and “Celebrating America” (children’s show).
                Take In (both shows)                                                    August 17, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
                Reception (Honoring Our Heroes)                             September 8, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
                Reception and Pick-up (Celebrating America)         September 19, 4:00 pm
                Pick-Up (Honoring Our Heroes)                                  September 21, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

For information on registration, prizes, size limitations, forms, rules, etc., please see:  www.fallbrookartassn.org/entryforms.html
Monthly Show
In addition to the Honoring Our Heroes and Celebrating America shows, we will have a monthly show change-out on August 19, 10:00 – 2:00 pm. The reception for the monthly show will be on August 24, 3:00 – 5:00 pm. The monthly show entry form are available  
Jack Ragland will be part of a large two-person show for the artists who won Best of Show 2 times or more in the Annual Ralph Love Plein Air Competition, plus other awards over the past 10 years.   Jack’s work will reflect the local landscapes, dancing, and activities.  There will also be works by the late founder, Ralph Love. The reception at the Temecula Valley Museum is open to the public. For all the details, please see the attached flyer.
It has already been almost a year since The Gallery opened! For those of you who became gallery sponsor in September 2018, please consider renewing next month. The Sponsorship Form will be available at the September General Meeting. Please remember that FAA membership is required for sponsors, and you will need to renew in January.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


The Temecula Valley Art League is having an Open judged art contest on August 24th.

Temecula Valley Assistance League Hall
28720 Via Montezuma
Temecula Ca. 92590

For: Members, non- members and students.

Entry fee:
Adults - $15.00 first and $5.00 for second and third entries. Limit 3 *
Students -ages 13 to 19 ( students judged separately ) but entry rules are the same.
No fees for student entries

Entries - Judging and awards all on same day .
Schedule - Take In - 10:00am to 12:00 noon. ( No late entries )
Judging - 12:00 pm to 2:00pm ( Closed to public - No one can be present )
Awards - 2:30pm. (Photos will be taken)
Pick up - 4:00pm. (light refreshments )

First Prize - Ribbon plus $100.00
Second Prize - Ribbon plus $75.00
Third Prize - Ribbon plus $50.00
3 Honorable Mentions - Ribbon plus $25.00 each

Student Awards are as follows :

First Place - Ribbon and $25.00
Second Place - Ribbon and $20.00
Third Place - Ribbon and $15.00

The Judge is from Redlands ( Christine E. White )

All entries will be examined and must be framed properly with wire. No sawtooth hangers
Gallery wraps acceptable with all sides painted.
All artwork must be dry and ready to hang.
No Nudes and must be Politically correct .
Only 2 D art work . Sorry no 3D will be accepted.
All mediums are acceptable: Watercolor - Oil - Water/oil - Pastels - Pencil -Ink-
mixed media etc. - Photography.
Size limited to 36 inches.

Each art piece must have: Name of artist - Title of work - medium used and price or NfS
On back of right corner. If any artwork is sold. 15 percent goes to TVAL .
Artists must carry own insurance.

TVAL or it's volunteers do not assume any responsibility for any loss whatsoever incurred.

Each artist must sign a release form.

For more information: contact Marilyn Latimer at 951-246-2435
Or email at marileosark@aol.com 
Or TVAL website: https://temeculavalleyartleague.com/

August 24th Saturday
Load in time : 10:00am to 12 noon
Judging : 12 noon to 2:00pm
Awards : 2:30pm
Pick up : 4:00pm

TVAL 2019
                       To print this document right click on it and select print

Saturday, July 20, 2019

So Much Fun Stuff Happening in Lake Elsinore!!!


 dod 2019

Saturday, April 27, 2019

‘Dolls Through The Eyes Of Artists’ Art Project

Hello Artists,
Thank you all so much for participating in this installment of our Focus On Local Exhibitions: A Look At Graffiti & Street Art! We are very pleased with the turn-out of artists who exhibited with us as well as that at the Art Social on Saturday, April 20th. Fine job all around!
The last day of this exhibit is Sunday, May 5th, 2019. Pick-up times for the work are May 6th through May 10th, from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. If you need to make other arrangements, please let us know at (951) 471-4407.
We will be accepting artwork for the next exhibition, which is called ‘Dolls Through The Eyes Of Artists’. We will be taking in artwork starting Wednesday, May 1st through Tuesday May 7tt. On weekdays, take-in is from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM and on weekends it is 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. If you have any questions, please contact us.
‘Dolls Through The Eyes Of Artists’ will be on display from Friday, May 10th to Monday, July 29th. This exhibition will examine how artists view dolls other than just as children’s toys and how they choose to define them, express what they think about them, their construction, function, or lack thereof. We have attached a prospectus for your convenience and review.
Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you at our future exhibitions.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

2019 World Tai Chi & Qigong Day

Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 12 PM

Hosted by Village On Grand Lakeland Village Community

16275 Grand Avenue, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

1st Sports Art and Design Summer Camp at the VOG

Limited number of students please register ASAP

Cost $100.00 per camper, parents will provide lunch and transportation as needed.

Some family discounts may apply 

Contact us, directly @  951 471 4407

#villageongrand, #vog, #studio395.org, #sportsartanddesigncamp  #lakelandcommunitycenter

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

2019 Plein Air Competition and Show

Fallbrook Art Association is very happy to announce that the 2019 Plein Air Competition and Show will be held at the beautiful Grand Tradition Estate and Gardens on April 10. This is a one-day event, open to all artists. Cash prizes will be awarded to First, Second, and Third Place winners. The judge this year is Lynn Gertenbach.
Participants will sign in between the hours of 10:00 and 11:00 am at Grand Tradition (220 Grand Tradition Way, Fallbrook). The entry fee is $20 for FAA members, $25 for non-members.  Painting materials must be stamped at check-in. Paint any subject on the grounds and return finished painting(s)* no later than 3:00 pm. The awards presentation will be held at 4:00 pm. All easels and work must be removed at 5:00 pm.
*Early registration (with or without lunch) has a bonus -- you may submit 2 paintings for judging if you register early by mail.
A box lunch will be available from Grand Tradition for $17. Your lunch order must be pre-ordered one week in advance (see entry form for details), or you may pay a $5 grounds fee if you wish to eat lunch at a nearby restaurant. No outside food is allowed on the grounds.
Please see the attached entry form and flyer for all the details. They are also available on FAA’s website: www.fallbrookartassn.org. For photos of the Grand Tradition grounds and gardens, go to www.grandtraditions.com.
Come join us at Grand Traditions for a day of painting and fun!

#pleinair #pleinaircompetition #fallbrookartassociation #studio395

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March & April has Something for EVERYONE!! Check It Out


Saturday March 16 at 6 PM – 9 PM

Our March Paint and Wine night will be a homage to our super bloom of poppies here in Lake Elsinore. Commemorate the event with your own original piece. We'll be making a big batch of soup and we'll figure out something sweet as well.

As usual, the evening will be $35 which includes all the needed supplies, the food and 1 glass of your choice. We always have a great time in a no pressure environment that allows you to ask questions, get help and learn Irish toasts! Please purchase your tickets via the link provided at Ticket Leap.

  • ***********************************************************************************************************************
  • #wineandpaintparty, #larebeldewinery , #studio395, #partyinthepark, #vogeggscramble
  • #copsforkids, #boysandgirlsclub, #legrandplayhouse, #ivyplayers, #villageongrand

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Next Exhibition in March 'A Look At Graffiti & Street Art'

We are planning a graffiti art show and event, including tattoo arts, interested some edgy street art, but it is a community center.  Our Art Social will be on Saturday April 20th and looking at creating a free standing "white out" wall.

Please find attached a flyer and prospectus giving a description and details about our upcoming exhibition in March called 'A Look At Graffiti & Street Art'. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at (951) 471-4407,

Lisa Cabrera
Office Manager  
Studio 395
The Village on Grand
Lakeland Village Community Center
16275 Grand Ave.
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

Thursday, January 3, 2019

“Art Social”

STUDIO 395 is currently hosting a gallery exhibition of  “Focus on Local”  from December 2018 thru March 2019. Showing 78 different works by local artists.
On Friday January 11th the social event will combine an open business discussion, artist speaker and a social mixer.
Please join us and support local artists:
At Village on Grand, Lakeland Village Community Center16275 Grand Ave, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530Contact: 951 471 4407 email: event@studio395.org